سفرة كويك – طعمية | taameya – Sofra Quick

سفرة كويك – طعمية | taameya – Sofra Quick

مين يقدر يقاوم الطعمية؟


2 cups skinned white broad beans soaked overnight
½ cup fresh dill leaves
½ cup coriander leaves
2 onions
10 garlic cloves
½ cup parsley
1 small leek
1 tsp baking soda
1 tsp cumin
½ tsp cayenne pepper
1-2 tbsp sesame seeds cooking oil


Soak beans overnight , drain and minced with all vegetables
Add spices and , seasoning , and baking soda , let stand at room temperature for about 1 hour
With a wet spoon scoop a small amount , sprinkle one side with sesame seeds and deep fry in sizzling oil until brown

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